the Ultimate Web on Indian Gods & Temples

 by Padmani,


 Lord Vishnu


Om Aniruddhaaya Namaha


As Lord is unobstructable , omnipotent, with all gunas, as He cannot be known by the mind as He can be tied in the minds of enlightened by meditation and He destroys them who behave contrary to the Vedas, He is called 'Aniruddha'. He will be holding Club and Conch on the upper left and right hands and Lotus  and Disc on the lower left and right hands. He is the Governing power of the  letter 'Hi' of Gayathri Mantra, 'Sparsa Tattva'  one of the 24 Tattvas and Urdhvapundra marked on the centre of throat during the dark half of the lunar month, all  eatable, Sudra Caste, male body,  year, substances of black color, 'Kaliyuga' and summer season. He dwells in the male body, left side of all beings, in and out of the universe, in the 'Vayu' the god of Wind who is the door-keeper and in the ' Aniruddhasarira'.