the Ultimate Web on Indian Gods & Temples

 by Padmani,


 Lord Vishnu


Om Vaamanaya Namaha


As Lord fulfills the desires and throws the demons who are enemies of deliverance into the dark, He is called 'Vaamana'. He will be holding Disc and Club on the upper left and right hands and Lotus and Conch on the lower left and right hands. He is the Governing power of the  letter 'Yam' of Gayathri Mantra, the letter 'Va' of Mahamantra, 'Jihva Tattva'  one of the 24 Tattvas and Urdhvapundra marked on the right side of the neck during the light half of the lunar month. He is the custodian of the curd, lunar month of 'Asaadha'  and 'Vriscikarasi'. He dwells in the "Sarasvatinaadi" and in the lobe of the ear. He is to be meditated on the time of putting 'Yajnopavita', sacred thread and while making donations.