Maa Parvathi
close the three eyes of Lord Shiva immediately without any
thought. But as Lord Shiva's eyes resemble Sun, Moon, and
fire, the world became dark completely because of Maa
Parvathis action. Goddess Parvathi also became dark. She
surprised and asked Lord Shiva how this happened? and how to
remove her dark color complexion? Lord shiva explained the
reason and advised her to do penance to get rid off the sin
that was generated by her action.
Maa parvathi accepted and came to earth as Katyayini
(Daughter of Katyayana maharshi) and went to Varanasi and
became as Annapurna and did annadana and changed her dark
coplexion into golden comnplexion. After that she came to
Kanchi and did penance for Lord shiva. She did penance with
pancha bana mantra beneath a mango tree. Lord Shiva suffered
with this penance and send Ganga mata to test her devotion.
Ganga mata came aggressively to destroy Maa Parvthi puja.
But Maa parvathi stopped and caught Ganga in a holy Kapala,
along with Ganga Lord shiva also caught in that holy Kapala.
Lord Shiva became angry and increased water flow
tremendously, Maa Parvathi afraid and praised Maha vishnu
for advise. He advised to completely surrender to Lord Shiva
and this is the only solution in this critical situation.
Maa parvathi praised lord Shiva and hugged Shiva linga and
completely surrendered to Lord Shiva. Today also we can see
some marks of Parvathi mata jewels on Ekamreshwara Shiva
linga. A manog tree also present in Ekamreshwar temple. Lord
Shiva accepted her devotion and married her again on request
of Pramatha ganas. Lord Vishnu, Lord Brahma and Katyayana
maharshi conducted the Shiva paravtahi kalyanam. At that
time Maa Parvathi fulfilled all her devotees desires with
her looks. hence the name Kamakshi mata. |