the Ultimate Web on Indian Gods & Temples by Padmani, |
Lord Vishnu |
Om Sankarshanaaya Namaha
As Lord pulls the minds of his devotees from worldly things and gives them thought for renunciation, He is called 'Sankarshanaa'. He will be holding Conch and Lotus on the upper left and right hands and Disc and Club on the lower left and right hands. He is the Governing power of the letter 'Sya' of Gayathri Mantra, 'Payu Tattva' one of the 24 Tattvas and Urdhvapundra marked on the forehead during the dark half of the lunar month, all substances without sour, 'Manomayakosa' the casteof Ksatriya, female body, seasons, Rudra, noon-sacrifices, forms of excitement, substances of 'Rajasa','Tretayuga' and automn season. He is in the 'Vayu' the god of Wind who is the west door-keeper of his abode. He dwells in the lower portion of the waist. |